Conclusions of drive belt

Drive belt and chain drives can be used for transmission of mechanical power between two rotating shafts. Drive belt drives are often cheaper than the equivalent gears and useful for transmitting power between shafts that are widely separated or nonparallel drives.

Chain drives are usually more compact than the equivalent drive belt and can be used in oily environments where the equivalent drive belt would be prone to slipping. There is a wide range of drive belt and chain drives and this chapter has served to introduce the technology and the selection and specification of wedge and flat belt, and roller chain drives.

The technology is constantly developing with new materials and surface treatments, improvements in understanding of kinematics and wear, and associated modelling procedures, and drive belts and chain drives represent an innovation opportunity area, particularly for new applications, extended life and improved reliability, as well as miniaturisation.

This article comes from sciencedirect edit released

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